But it’s so rare….

This is a vent. I read something this morning that just pissed me off so bad I need to rant about it. On a popular heart awareness site there was an article written about a rare heart disorder. Not Brugada Syndrome, but still rare. I was reading through the comments about the article and I saw a person ask why they were writing an article about something so rare when there are so many people with heart disease. And they went on to say that they should only be writing about heart disease because it was more common. After all, the person commented, only about 1 percent have it…

So you have a website that primarily talks about heart disease and they take a breather and post about a rare heart defect instead and it angers people because its rare? We shouldn’t care or be bothered about rare disease because it doesn’t effect many? We shouldn’t care about a disease or disorder someone else has? Only what we have matters? Well let me tell you lady, rare illness effects those people who DO have the condition!! What selfishness there is in the world today! Everyone is suffering with something but lets make it a popularity contest right? At what point do people start caring about other people? Whether you have something rare or common, its still a disease, a disorder, life changing…oh but no! We cant POSSIBLY talk about the rarity! Lets just sweep our problems under the carpet because not many are effected.We don’t count or matter? I’ve never seen such ignorance. Brugada is rare but that does NOT mean it shouldn’t be discussed, taught, researched, or that it isn’t an issue because less people have it. And I mean ANY rare illness. So angry…